News 2017

A very successful Gala Concert was held on 2nd December
We were pleased to welcome Frank Renton as our Guest Compere and the composer David Braid.
Read more on the Concert Programme.
We were pleased to welcome Frank Renton as our Guest Compere and the composer David Braid.
Read more on the Concert Programme.

The Band on TV
The Band featured on Sky Sports News before the Chelsea Game on14th October,
We played the Bond 007 theme, recording early form! Goals 0, Wins 0, Played 7.
Fans will know that the Eagles went on to beat the champions in the 8th match!
The Band featured on Sky Sports News before the Chelsea Game on14th October,
We played the Bond 007 theme, recording early form! Goals 0, Wins 0, Played 7.
Fans will know that the Eagles went on to beat the champions in the 8th match!
Broadstairs Bandstand - Sunday 30th July
A 'windy' concert (as usual) introduced by the 'Town Crier'. The sun came out, the rain held off and we had a substantial appreciative audience. Click for a few photos (courtesy of Jean Morton). |
Greenwich Park Bandstand - Sunday 23rd July
Photo and the following feedback kindly received from Clive Corlett of the Friends of Greenwich Park following our 3rd bandstand performance of the summer on Sunday : "Thanks very much for the excellent concert performed yesterday by the Crystal Palace Band at the Greenwich Park Bandstand. The audience clearly enjoyed it enormously and you managed to keep the promised rain away!" |
Southwark Park Bandstand - Sunday 11th June
The first proper bandstand gig of the year for the Main Band entertained a small but enthusiastic audience on a sunny afternoon in South London in the Rotherhithe area. The band on this occasion was ably lead by guest conductor John Hargreaves in a varied and entertaining programme of music. Thanks go to the Friends of Southwark Park for inviting us and providing some much needed refreshments in the interval. |
SCABA Entertainments Contest - Sunday 21st May
Ranked 3rd from 7, see the SCABA Results Page Ben Ward, (Principal Cornet) is pictured left, receiving our award. |
Feast of St George - Trafalgar Square - 22nd April 2017
The first outdoor gig of the year for the Main Band involved us opening the Mayor of London's annual "Feast of St George" event staged in Trafalgar Square, London - providing a 45 minute set of music that included Standard of St George, Novella (Euph and Cornet duet by Ben Hollings), Chicken Run, Ticket to Ride, Life on Mars and Hootenanny.
The first outdoor gig of the year for the Main Band involved us opening the Mayor of London's annual "Feast of St George" event staged in Trafalgar Square, London - providing a 45 minute set of music that included Standard of St George, Novella (Euph and Cornet duet by Ben Hollings), Chicken Run, Ticket to Ride, Life on Mars and Hootenanny.
London and Southern Counties Regional Contest - 4th Section - Stevenage - 19th March 2017
Drawn 11 - Set Piece - St. Andrew's Variations - Alan Fernie
Adjudicators: Alan Duguid & Steve Pritchard-Jones
Placed 9th from 18 Bands.
All Section Results Page & Provisional Grading Tables (likely Promotion to 3rd Section!!)
Drawn 11 - Set Piece - St. Andrew's Variations - Alan Fernie
Adjudicators: Alan Duguid & Steve Pritchard-Jones
Placed 9th from 18 Bands.
All Section Results Page & Provisional Grading Tables (likely Promotion to 3rd Section!!)
Bromley Festival of Music & Speech - 4th March 2017
The Progress Band won the 'Ensemble Cup' in the WE14 category. Own Choice - The Journeyman - Ray Steadman Allen Adjudicator - Melanie Ragge (web page) Certificate & Adjudicator's Comments Pictures |

Woodstock - Oxford and District Contest - 4th Section - 26th February 2017
Own Choice - St. Andrew's Variations - Alan Fernie
Adjudicators: Paul Norley, Nick Garman, Alan Duguid
Crystal Palace placed Second from 10 bands.
Oxford Results Webpage
Own Choice - St. Andrew's Variations - Alan Fernie
Adjudicators: Paul Norley, Nick Garman, Alan Duguid
Crystal Palace placed Second from 10 bands.
Oxford Results Webpage

2017 Butlins Mineworkers Championships - 4th Section
Own Choice - Music for Kantara - Kenneth Downie
Adjudicators - Paul Norley and Brett Baker
Crystal Palace 1st placed from 11 Bands. Well Played!!!
Read more from 4BarsRest or the British Bandsman. Photos
Own Choice - Music for Kantara - Kenneth Downie
Adjudicators - Paul Norley and Brett Baker
Crystal Palace 1st placed from 11 Bands. Well Played!!!
Read more from 4BarsRest or the British Bandsman. Photos