Guestbook Archive, our original guestbook, opened in 2004, had been under 'spam' attack and we closed it in Feb 2017
All the posts, including some wonderful tributes to Roger Clements (2005) following his passing can be viewed below.
We then used Guestbookland and they appeared to go out of business in 2019!
So, to post a new message, we are now using a third supplier, SmartGuestbook Click here
All the posts, including some wonderful tributes to Roger Clements (2005) following his passing can be viewed below.
We then used Guestbookland and they appeared to go out of business in 2019!
So, to post a new message, we are now using a third supplier, SmartGuestbook Click here
Clare Winter 15/01/2018 -18:30
I just wanted to congratulate you on your fantastic result at the weekend! Well done! And also thank the very kind members of your band who let me share a taxi with them to Butlins from Skegness station on Friday night.
I had to leave before I could buy them a much deserved celebratory drink at the bar but wanted to thank them for epitomising the true spirit of a banding community! Thank you. If you ever find yourselves in the north-east a very warm welcome would await you at Ellington Colliery Band. Very best wishes.
David Banks-Broome 22/05/2017 -11:26 -City: Crawley -State: West Sussex -Country: UK
Well done Crystal Palace.
Sorry that I got there just as you were leaving the stage and didn't get to hear the set!
Good marks and position.
I just wanted to congratulate you on your fantastic result at the weekend! Well done! And also thank the very kind members of your band who let me share a taxi with them to Butlins from Skegness station on Friday night.
I had to leave before I could buy them a much deserved celebratory drink at the bar but wanted to thank them for epitomising the true spirit of a banding community! Thank you. If you ever find yourselves in the north-east a very warm welcome would await you at Ellington Colliery Band. Very best wishes.
David Banks-Broome 22/05/2017 -11:26 -City: Crawley -State: West Sussex -Country: UK
Well done Crystal Palace.
Sorry that I got there just as you were leaving the stage and didn't get to hear the set!
Good marks and position.
1. Gian Pilz wrote at 06.10.2016
Greetings from Italy!
Pity I live so far from you, otherwise I would ask to join to you :)
2. Roger Morton wrote at 05.01.2016
Happy New Year to all our supporters
3. Janet Clements wrote at 13.12.2015
Great concert last night.
4. David Banks-Broome wrote at 14.09.2015
Very, very well done today at the Hawth, Michael and the band.
The results speak for themselves: First place and five of the 'specials'.
Nearly as many as Wantage Silver!
5. David Banks-Broome wrote at 29.09.2014
Missed you at the Hawth yesterday. Lots of Gregson, with some Holst, Lalo, Vinter, Goffin,
Howells etc., and 'The Legend of King Arthur' which I've not heard before.
6. David Banks-Broome wrote at 19.05.2013
Well done at Crawley today. I didn't get to find the placing but very good programme.
It was worth getting out of bed just for "McArthur Park"
7. sue/ray wrote at 15.03.2013
hi did we just see some of your band on comic relief supporting james Corden
8. Chris Connolly wrote at 04.06.2012
Hello. Hope your Jubilee concert went well today. SE20 Mag said it was in Crystal Palace.. I saw many others aimlessly wandering about looking in vain for the bandstand.
Hope to hear CPB's celebration in 2022.
9. David Banks-Broome wrote at 20.05.2012
Well done today CPB, 2nd place is a very good result.
Good balanced programme. Keep it up.
10. Christine Fankhauser wrote at 30.08.2010
In the name of whole Lengnau Band, I wanted to thank you for the concert at Lengnau Festival. It was fantastic and we are all delighted to have met you. Unfortunately, you had to leave a bit early, but I hope to see and meet you on another occasion, maybe we make it on a whit friday together? :-)
Cheers from Switzerland
11. Markus Eggenberger wrote at 29.08.2010
Sorry CLARE, if i writing a wrong name yours before. Mark.
12. Markus Eggenberger wrote at 29.08.2010
I say hello CPB, special to Claire, Simon and Roger. Was a very well concert together with us. Thanks a lot!!! Mark, MG Zetzwil, Switzerland.
13. Boaty wrote at 06.07.2010
Bit of googling brought up the band. Shame in the history of the band is the missing part when we played Henry V at a contest - I'd love to hear that again. It was (in my memory) a truly awesome start. William "Spazza" Spencer won the best instrumentalist ? playing Sop. We'd been at the bar for a little while and I have a wonderful memory of him running from the bar up on stage and kissing the judge whilst waving the cup above his head. Made me smile.
All the best to the band.
Boaty - now in the wilds of the Gloucestershire.
14. Eddie Backhouse wrote at 25.03.2010
Top left 1966 photo of the band is me. I now live in South Africa and am still active in both brass band (Cape Concert Brass), big bands and small jazz groups. It's good to see the band still thriving. Do any of the others of my era (1956 to 1970) contact or write in to you? Do you maintain a 'Where are they now' page? When I first started at the age of nine years, I wore Willie Grant's (the conductor) uniform (he was a very small man. Are you still contesting.Good luck for the future. Cheers....Ed
15. Robert Chessell wrote at 20.03.2010
Thank you so much for creating and maintaining this site - especially the historical material. I had evidence in my genealogical research that my grandfather was in the Crystal Palace band at some point, but what a treat it was to find him in the photo of the 1921 band, right in the front row! And the programme for that era is an especially interesting read as well.
Are there any other sources/lists available for 1920s and 30s era bands associated with Crystal Palace? I believe my father was also a band member in that era, although I haven't been able to verify that as yet.
Thanks again for a wonderful site.
Robert Chessell
Barrie, ON, Canada
16. Major John Merser wrote at 18.09.2009
Good to see that the Band is still going strong I am a former member and played in the band in the late sixties under Charlie Sherriff in the old temperance hall at Norwood and looking at the photo of 1966 I remember most of the players named and some of the players that are not in the photo Including Nigel Renouf and John Rogers keep it up I now play in Regent Hall Salvation Army Band.
17. Julie Barry wrote at 20.03.2009
Hi to you all,
Good luck at Stevenage.
I may see you there, I am playing for Woodbridge Exelsior in the morning,
A great band, just like Crystal Palace!!
Julie Barry
18. Duncan Wilson wrote at 06.03.2009
Hi CPB! A quick note to say best of luck for the contest in Stevenage. I'll miss you this year as my band plays on the Sunday. Can't believe it's 9 years since we moved up to the sunny fens, but I still remember CPB with much fondness, especially the Charlton posse! We are expecting our 2nd child in the summer. I am hoping that they will both do something far more useful than try and play the trombone! Love to all, Duncan Wilson
19. Malcolm Woodcraft wrote at 22.02.2009
I've just spotted your website while browsing the web. My father George Woodcraft played solo-horn during the 30's to 50's and I spent many a Sunday morning listening to rehearsals. I occasionally played euphonium at rehearsals while I was in the RAF. I still remember a few names; Stan Grant, Stan Blackhouse, Harry Menke (librarian),Ernie Brown and Ernie Sturgess to name but a few plus, of course, "uncle" on the drums.
I live in Devon now but I'll have to keep an eye on the website when I come to London. Good Luck for the future
Malcolm Woodcraft
20. Dave Payn wrote at 18.09.2008
Just to say how sorry and sad I am to learn of Mick Graham's passing. He was a member of CPB when I first joined in 1979 and I echo Mike Gray's observations of his 'quiet good humour' and 'gentlemanly manner'. Hugely talented as a musician, allied to his natural modesty, he was a person who easily attracted the utmost respect amongst those like me, fortunate enough to have known him. May he rest in peace.
Dave Payn
Isle of Arran
21. Mike Gray wrote at 27.08.2008
I just wanted to add a word or two about the late Mick Graham. When I became conductor of the band in 1987, Mick was playing with us as a regular visitor, although he was actually registered with Handcross Band. Although I remembered him well from my days in the Guards I never really got to know him until our time with Crystal Palace. The last time I saw Mick was at the memorial concert for Roger Clements. Mick looked then exactly the same as I remember all those years ago in the army. His quiet good humour and gentlemanly manner never deserted him and I will remember him with fondness as a person and with respect as a musician. May he rest in peace. Mike Gray
22. Matt Smith wrote at 18.08.2008
I was very sorry to about the loss of Mick Graham. Though I did not know him that well my mother and father did, and I did know him well enough to know what a great man he was. My regards and deepest sympathies go out to all Micks family and friend. He will be sorely missed, one of the nicest men I ever had the luck and good fortune to meet.
23. Danny Clements wrote at 13.07.2008
Hi everyone who were at Folkestone today. Tommy and I really enjoyed the perfomance. I would like to thank you for playing happy birthday for Tommy and for playing while Tommy waved Mikes batton at you all it was a real privilege. The event really brought back some very happy memories of Roger from a couple of years ago and that is always a great thing! Thanks again, we look forward to see you again next year.
24. Norman F White wrote at 31.05.2008
Just to say my E:Mail address has changed just incase anyone does remember Arthur Iron, Ray Baylis or Ernie Brown. from the early 1950's
Norman F White
25. julie barry wrote at 28.11.2007
Hi to everyone who knows me from horn section CPB 5 or 6 years ago. I was just looking up some information about Karl Lutchmayer for Ryans homework and followed some links to CPB website! Great to look back and still recognise many faces still playing in the band. I enjoyed those years playing, but now in Suffolk I find family life takes priority for a while, though I miss playing so much.
I will get back to it though!
Hi to you all
26. Jacqui Seymour wrote at 16.10.2007
Dear Crystal Palace Band,
I am trying to find my nephew, who is called Graeme Cornish and am wondering if your Graeme is he. Perhaps you could pass this message on if you think they are the same. Graeme would be 49 now and was born in South London in 1957. His mother is called Pauline his father John. I am his aunt Jacqui. If you could give me any info I'd be so grateful my e mail is [email protected] Thanks
27. Marge and Ian wrote at 02.06.2007
Great to see you all at the Whit Friday Marches! Hope you enjoyed yourselves - know you know the North is God's Land for banding!!
28. Janet Clements wrote at 23.04.2007
Congratulations on yesterdays results.
Well done.
29. Norman F White wrote at 16.04.2007
Does anyone remember Arthur Irons.
I played Bb Base Under him both at Cable & Wireless and Crystal Palace Brass Band. from 1945- 1949 Then I joined the RAF and after leaving the RAF got masrried and went to live in Bristol, where I still am.There were other C&W Band members also playing for Crystal Palace ie: Ray Baylis and Ernie Brown are thiose that immediately come to mind
30. Lawrence Killian wrote at 06.04.2007
Nice one Crystal Palace BB. My cornet teacher played for St. Hilda\'s in the 1920\'s and told me about the band competition.
I lived on Westwood Hill in 1980 whilst at NCOS - wish I knew about you then I would have come to play Life Divine, any time!
31. Ian Heard wrote at 24.03.2007
Great to see the band is strong enough to send two bands to the Area!
Hard luck to the B band, the result is unimportant at this stage, experience and hard work is everything!
I remember "bombing" in the fourth section with the "senior" band not so very long ago..and look at them now!
Ian., Soundhouse Brass (Plymouth).
(CPB 1987-97)
32. Audience Member wrote at 19.03.2007
Brave effort Ian W. and Crystal Palace "B" Band at Stevenage today & don't worry too much about the result (it's the Gradings table placings that count) - you will improve with experience if you knuckle down and don't give up. A first class effort solo horn in particular - not easy!
33. Dave Payn wrote at 13.03.2007
Just a quickie to wish the band (and the B band, of course!) all the very best for the regionals at Stevenage this weekend.
34. Dave Payn wrote at 06.03.2007
Hello again! For those that remember me, some good news! I shall be getting married to my long term partner Samantha on Saturday 21st April at Chester Registry Office. We'll be having a celebratory do here on the Isle of Arran upon our return, so it'd be lovely if any of you can make it up here.
35. pete cooper wrote at 10.02.2007
So sorry to hear about Bert I remember him as being a really nice guy. I'm wondering how many of us are still around who played in the band on the day that picture was taken,maybe its time for another reunion. Trivia, that’s the first time we wore our brand new band uniforms.
36. Webmaster wrote at 02.02.2007
Sadly, one of our members, Bert Bonner, died on Saturday 27th January 2007.
Bert was a main band player during the 1960's period and he can be seen as a young man in the 60's picture from our home page.
Bert also played flugel with the B Band in more recent years. He was a real gentleman.
The funeral is due to take place on Saturday 3rd Feb, at Christs Chapel, Dulwich, near the picture gallery at 10.30 am.
37. Jonathan Davis wrote at 06.01.2007
I am the son of Ron Davis (Horn, Trombone, etc....) who played in the band during the 70s (I think) Knew Rodger, but was only 7 or 8 then. He [Ron] use to come with Roy Diamond and John Rodgers (deputy conductor) and I would love to see any old photos, or know if you remember them, if any one has them. Ron and Roy are gone now but John still lives in near you.
38. Dave Payn wrote at 19.11.2006
A hearty 'McWotcha' from the beautiful Isle of Arran. Glad to see the band continuing to go from strength to strength. I see from some of the photos that the multi-anagrammed Graeme Cornish is back with you! Is there no justice? :) (I'm joking!)
Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm off to worry some more sheep.... Hello to all those that remember me.... and even those that don't.
39. Catherine and Mike Stallybrass wrote at 03.09.2006
Thanks for a great time in Cornwall. Glad Maggie no longer needs to call herself one of "Children of Courage"!! Hope to see you all again before too long. What about a trip up north?
40. Kevin Morgan wrote at 03.09.2006
Just found your site, I used to play with Mike in the Scots Guards Band in the '70s. Am now in Australia conducting another band with Red Tunics!
41. Marge and Ian Walsh wrote at 29.08.2006
Thank you all for a great weekend in Cornwall. We thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was great to see you all again. Hope to join you on any future trips!!
42. TeresaWeiler wrote at 28.08.2006
My brother plays in the band, Mike Weiler and so I came to look at the site. It really is impressive. I have been to a Christmas concert and thoroughly enjoyed it.
43. Julia Lund wrote at 08.07.2006
My Grandfather, Robert Barter, was a member of the band in 1921 and his son, Peter, is still alive and living in South Wales.
44. Dave Morrison wrote at 19.06.2006
I heard your band play in Southwark Park on Sunday 18th June and I really enjoyed it. I like your web site
45. Roger Morton wrote at 23.05.2006
Hi folks
I think the developer of our guest book is doing a security upgrade to reduce spam. On my PC, Explorer drops the broadband connection and keeps asking me to dial up!
If you are also having problems, send me the message via email and I'll put it up.
46. paul smith wrote at 20.01.2006
best wishes to all for 2006.Hope to get to a concert when the weather improves.Love to Jan still think about Rog especially when someone tells me a corny joke.See you all soon....Paul
47. Matt Smith wrote at 12.12.2005
Here's to a happy and successful new year, and sometime in 2006, I hope to come and visit you all with my wife and daughter, who even though is just 3 can already get a note out on my tuba,
From Matt, Maria and Viera Smith
48. Rob & Kay Martin wrote at 21.11.2005
We thoroughly enjoyed the memorial concert for Roger but as soon as the band struck up the emotions kicked in and the loss of Roger became very raw again. He was a great friend to Kay and I, first as a neighbour and then as a firm family friend. Our boys fondly remember Roger as the "Pennies Man" because he would always play "spin ups" with them and lose every coin he had on him. We have great memories of Roger and will always miss him.
49. Pete Cooper wrote at 20.11.2005
Roger my old darling I tried so hard to make your memorial concert but its a long way to come and between work and Las Vegas Band engagements I just could not make it sorry mate I really, really wanted to be there .Just after you left us the Las Vegas Brass Band played William Himes arrangement of Nicea on one of our concert and we dedicated it to you, I didn't play much because I really could not see the music that well as I was thinking of all the wonderful times we had together when we played together with Crystal Palace all those years ago,
Goodbye mate I miss you,
Pete xxxxx
50. Roger and sue young and family wrote at 05.11.2005
Roger was always a huge presance in all our lives,from the time he started school with my husband, through their Boys Brigade days, our young years together, and later becoming Godfather to our children, he is sadly missed by us all. We would like to take this opportunity to say how much we enjoyed the wonderful tribute concert to our good friend Roger. We both felt that he was there with us in spirit, and wish to thank everyone involved for their hard work.
51. John Sones wrote at 01.11.2005
May we offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the Roger Clements Memorial Concert at St Georges Church in Beckenham on Saturday October 22nd.
It was apparent to all those present that it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and one which will last in all our minds.
The level of professionalism was a credit to the Band and we are sure that Roger would have been very proud of this tribute, and the memory being a wonderful source of comfort to my Sister, Janet.
John, Chris, Kevin, Helen and Sadie
52. anne-marie + patrick wrote at 30.10.2005
It was truly an amazing tribute for Roger last Saturday and a reflection of his passion. We moved in next door to Jan and Roger 5 years ago and developed a great friendship. Roger was often our saviour as we were forever blowing up something in the house and Roger would come over and sort it out, he was great for coming up with solutions. When we locked ourselves out he casually held Patrick's 6ft 2 legs dangling through the window while I watched in amazement Patrick land head first, exactly 5 years ago today he rescued us from the dark on his wedding anniversary much to Jan's delight he was nursing a raging toothache but still put himself out to help us. I have very fond memories of Roger most of them over the garden fence as thats where we constantly met, he loved outdoors and made the best of dry weather and his lovely garden. This summer we really missed Roger, his pottering around clanging in the garage, I still cant pronounce what he 'practised' on but it made a hell of a racket, but most of all we miss him being around. The tribute was a reflection of how many peoples lives he touched and that includes ours at number 5. Our thougths are with his family and especially Jan whose wedding anniversary it was yesterday. God bless
warmest wishes
Anne-Marie and Patrick xx
53. Ryan Barry wrote at 28.10.2005
I really enjoyed the concert, especially the bits where Adam came in with the drums. I must have thought that Roger could hear that really loudly.
When I saw the piano coming onto the stage area, I asked my daddy if I could play it. Then I asked Mike Gray if I could play in the concert and he said "yes, you can Ryan". When it was nearly my turn, I was really, really nervous, but then Janet said "Go on Ryan, you can do it for Uncle Rog". Then I thought, I'm still nervous but I must do it.
The second to last song I played a piece of music called "On The Lake". After I had played it, everybody clapped really loudly. I hope Roger heard the big clapping and didn't laugh when I forgot to bow!
I just wish Roger could have been there.
from Ryan Barry
54. Julie Barry wrote at 28.10.2005
A fantastic concert for a fantastic friend!
I was SO proud to be playing back in the heart of CPB again after 5 years of not playing at all, although it did feel strange not having Roger on my immediate right telling me where I was supposed to be! Roger would have been really pleased that I am now at last playing again, and about to join a local band near my home in Suffolk, following the concert. Thanks Roger for bringing me back to reality!
The venue for the concert could not have been better, it sounded fantastic. Roger would have been so pleased to see so many past members all playing together, as though they had never left.
It is true, Roger will never be forgotten, and neither will the warmth and friendliness that he helped to nurture within Crystal Palace Band. It is such a special band to be part of. Thank you for letting me join the ranks once again on such an important day, and I hope there will be other opportunities sometime in the future.
Julie Barry
55. Ian & Marge Walsh wrote at 25.10.2005
What a great evening! Roger would have been thrilled to know how many people thought such a lot of him. Apart from the great playing in a great venue, it was wonderful to meet up with friends from the past. Roger will be remembered for years to come (who could possibly forget him?!) and the greatest tribute the band could pay to him is to keep going strong. To us, Crystal Palace will always be 'Rogers Band'. We hope we will play with you again in the not too distant future.
Well done on a great event on Saturday.
56. Mike Gray wrote at 25.10.2005
I will eventually thank the band personally for their truly marvellous effort last Saturday which produced the very finest playing. Here I would like to pay tribute to our guests and former members of the band, Karl Lutchmayer, Emma Gray and Ian Walsh, our guest soloists and that other stirling "band" of helpers and caterers who made the evening go with a swing. Roger would have been greatly pleased and very proud to know he had been given such a warm and sonorous send-off. Bravo!
Mike Gray
57. Michael Clements wrote at 24.10.2005
Following my previous message, on behalf of Janet and myself, I want to thank all those involved in Saturdays Tribute Concert but there are so many people in the background who have given their time that I do not know where to start. It must be obvious to all just by the size of the audience just how much Roger's enthusiasum had influenced everyone who came into contact with him. The culmination of everyone's efforts was heard in the vibrance of the music, truly magnificent and heart rending to think that Roger could inspire so many people to give their time in tribute to him.
To all the anonymous army, and those on the front line :-
Michael & Janet Clements
58. Michael Clements wrote at 24.10.2005
Dear Mike Gray,
May I thank you so much for the wonderful Tribute Concert for Roger. I wanted to say so much more at the Concert but felt that the audience may not have understood if I had gone into more personal details. The program was fully representative of all Roger held dear and I thank you for allowing, in one instance, against your personal judgement, music that he loved. After the concert I spoke to quite a few of the Band and all of them thought that the program was exactly what they enjoyed playing which was so very obvious even to the uneducated. A truly professional performance which will not be forgotten by all who were present.
Again, Thank you,
Michael Clements
59. Ian & Emma Heard wrote at 24.10.2005
We are honoured to have been part of the memorial concert for Roger last Saturday. What a concert! It was a truly fantastic evening and one we won`t forget for a very long time. We dearly wanted to pay tribute to Roger as we were unable to attend his funeral. We have many hilarious stories of Roger - what a lovely man who is greatly missed by all!
It was wonderful to meet with so many old faces from the past at the concert - it`s been so long since we have seen you all, and it was lovely to meet with the present players of the band who made us all so very welcome. Well done on organising such a wonderful evening. Our love & best wishes to you all!
60. Major George Whittingham wrote at 24.10.2005
Congratulations on last Saturday.
Sorry we could not support but we had an engagement in Southend
61. Dave Payn wrote at 24.10.2005
As a member of the Crystal Palace Band for 20 years (stand-in conductor for one of them) between 1979-99, I can only echo the words Maggie has written.
Roger Clements was an absolute giant, (not just in height!) but in what he did for the Crystal Palace Band. He was always the first to make polite conversation with a new band member, he always had a gloriously lyrical euphonium sound that could genuinely bring a tear to your eye and he absolutely loved that band and I like to think the band reciprocated those feelings, each and every one of them that met him. Add to that he was superbly organised in everything he did for the band; as chairman and organiser of CPB's regular foreign trips.
He didn't suffer fools gladly, and could be quite outspoken, but even then, one was never offended if he had a point to make because it was ALWAYS with the band's interests at heart, not his own. Add to the fact that he was a deeply generous and friendly man and I hope by now you realise just how much (a) the band meant to him and (b) what he meant to the band. The brass band movement lost a genuine banding stalwart and star when he passed away.
Finances dictate, alas, that I cannot make the trip to Beckenham to see the concert but I would like my thoughts made known to CPB, please and particularly his widow, Janet. I'll be thinking of them and the band on October 22nd.
RIP Roger Lewis Clements.
Note from Webmaster , message posted on
prior to the concert
62. DEREK GREENWOOD wrote at 21.10.2005
Hope the concert goes well.What a lovely tribute to Roger.Love to Janet.
Derek Greenwood.
63. Matt Smith wrote at 19.10.2005
I was so sad to hear about Roger it's such a loss to the band and the banding world.He made me feel so welcome when i joined the band some years ago.I am really looking forward to seeing the band again and feel honoured to a part of Rogers concert.
64. Leonard Walker wrote at 14.10.2005
In my youth, my father would take me to see the Brass Band Championships at the Crystal palace and we would walk along the terraces listening to the bands. Me with my bottle of lemonade and my father with his bottle of beer would sit and make jugdement on who would win. I must of seen your band perform but I must confess that the only band that comes to mind is the Black Dyke mills band (sorry).
We would get to our seat inside and stay till The end. If I guest right I got a ride home on the bus other wise we walked. I had a lot of bus rides home. Call it luck if you like.
I broke my hearth when the Palace burnt down. It meant no more band champs.
I have just discovered your site and will make a return to it soon.
The last show I saw at the Palace was about the time it burnt down and I was then 11 years old. Its great to think that you are still going strong and hope that you get stronger.
God luck to you and all the Bandsmen/Bandswomen and thanks for the memories.
Best regards Len Walker
65. Sandra Clinton wrote at 29.08.2005
While surfing about I have just come across your website. I am so sorry to hear about Roger. He was a great guy who always made me a very welcome guest at Crystal Palace. I hope to see you all again soon and am glad to see that the band is going from strength to strength.
66. Philip A Watson wrote at 19.07.2005
About three months ago I was appointed to the post of Development Officer for the British Federation of Brass Bands. Thanks for sending your news letter to me; I look forwards to reading more about your band. Great website too. Best wishes for the future.
67. John Hinkley wrote at 11.06.2005
I was sorry to hear about poor old Roger.I first met him when Pete Cooper brought him up to do a job on drums. He started to come along to rehearsals and seemed very keen so I asked him if he would like to learn to play....
He lived quite close, so I gave him a few lessons and started him on the road to Banding.
We remained friends and often spoke over the phone, the last time being at Christmas this. year.
Its good to know that the Band is still going strong.We had some very difficult times in the fifties but the revival started when the boys from the 88th BB came along. I wish you all well for the future.
68. Alan Luesby wrote at 14.05.2005
Found your web site surfing the net one night. Sorry to hear about Rogers passing. He was a great guy, full of fun and i remember him well. I was a memeber of the CPB during the reign of MD Malcolm Simmonds. I was a trombone player. We meet up with Malcolm and his wife Isobel in 2003 on a visit to Europe with the family, and still keep in touch. I recognise some of the names in the guest book, Ian Walsh, Paul Kind and Peter Booker. We now live in Adelaide, South Australia. I still play bass trombone and currently am a member of the Unley Concert Band which came 3rd in the Australian Nationals. My best wishes to the band for the future. Alan Luesby
69. Janet Clements wrote at 13.05.2005
I would like to thank everyone who has sent tributes in memory of Roger.
As most of you will know banding has also been a big part of my life, not always by choice i might add. However Roger and banding will be greatly missed.
I hope to continue to support the band, even if it is only making the tea at the gala concerts.
70. Richard Barker wrote at 09.05.2005
My brother Ken plays trumpet in the band but doesn't always remember to tell me about gig dates.
I've seen the band at Greenwich Park and at 2 of the royal parks and always enjoy listening and relaxing to the music you play.
I look forward to hearing from you in future.
Richard Barker
71. pete cooper wrote at 09.04.2005
After reading Roger's obituary I would just like to mention that Roger was the best drummer the 118th Boys Brigade drum and Bugle band ever had I can vouch for that because in my time with the Irish Guards band I was the Bandmaster and he took the percussion section he also played great bugle,incidently his first appearance with the Crystal Palace band was playing snare drum on a marching gig and I had a heck of a time talking him into playing baritone but being my best mate he gave in and the rest is history,we would meet at Wandsworth Common Station every Wednesday night and Sunday morning take the train to West Norwood and always end up at my house for tea and cheese sandwiches supplied by my Mum,he managed to borrow Michaels his older brothers car for our trip to B.B. camp in Devon I still have no clue how he managed it as it was Mikes pride and joy.Roger I will miss you mate,Pete
72. Janet & Keith Schultz wrote at 28.03.2005
A tribute to Uncle Roger - which would not be complete without including Janet.
For Many reasons, I only met Uncle Roger twice - and both times took a great effort by Roger and Janet for which I am grateful. Since our first meeting in 1992 they have kept in contact with me and growing family in Australia - never forgetting birthdays or other special events. Roger was even 'dial a Santa' this last Christmas, when a naughty three year old needed a bit of "encouragement".
I am sorry I didn't get to know Roger better - his talent, enthusiasm and humour are evident in his profile and all tributes. I would have loved to seen him play with the band.
I will treasure the memories I have of Uncle Roger and will always have the picture in my mind of the Folkestone solo, (seen on video) - conducted by Great Nephew Tommy. Music being enjoyed between the generations.
Our thoughts and love are with Janet and I hope Roger can hear the Crystal Palace Band play on....
73. Catherine & Mike Stallybrass wrote at 25.03.2005
We were so sorry to hear of Roger's death. We only met him last summer on tour with CPB in Normandy and really enjoyed both his musicianship and his company - to say nothing of being knocked sideways by his organising ability!
Our hearts go out to his family in their loss - and to the band - he will not be easy to replace!
However, I'm sure he would be proud of your result in the Areas! Well done and keep up the good work!
Hope to see you all soon - Saddleworth?
74. Ryan Barry wrote at 13.03.2005
When I heard about Roger, I was very sad for Janet. I am very, very sad too. I have been thinking about Rogers family. He was like an uncle to me and my brother Jordan.
I loved Roger taking me on trips with Janet for my birthday treat. I can remember when he took me to the Bluebell Railway and Roger lifted me up onto Thomas to pull the "Honky Horn"! When Roger had a go, the driver had to tell him not to pull it THAT hard.
Another time, Roger sat me on his shoulders to see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. I remember falling asleep on Rogers lap on the train coming home.
I love Roger, and I love Janet.
75. Julie Barry wrote at 13.03.2005
It's a week ago since we all said goodbye to Roger, at his very special funeral. I don't think I have ever experienced such a change of emotions during a service. Still not really believing at that time, that he is just not with us anymore. Mike Gray, well what can we say, he took the majority of the service, and what a fantastic job he did, it must have been so difficult for him. He personalised the whole service and really made it one to remember. Thanks Mike.
I only played in Crystal Palace Band for about 4 years, as a complete novice! Roger would always be sitting on my right hand side, and would regularly not only continue to play his Euphonium part, but scan through my music to tell me where on earth I was supposed to be! I remember so many of Rogers witty ways, he always brought a smile to your face, even in the more serious moments.
I was also privileged to work alongside Roger, both prior to, and during most of the time that he was self-employed. He was very proud of all that he produced, he enjoyed it immensely, and always did a very thorough job.
One thing that I came away with last week, was renewed enthusiasm to join a band now that I have settled in Suffolk. The banding world is so special, an experience not to be missed, so thanks Rog for helping me to re-kindle that interest.
Roger was one of a kind, a very special man, missed by many, for so many reasons. I will never ever forget him, and I will remember many, many very special years that my family and I shared with him and Janet.
Goodbye Rog.
76. Ian & Marge Walsh wrote at 11.03.2005
It still seems unreal that Roger isn’t here anymore - no-one could have imagined life or Crystal Palace Band, without him. He was a great friend, a big chap, with a big personality to match, but we’ll miss his sense of humour and fun above all else. When we think of Roger, we can’t help but smile, because of the very funny things he used to say and do (some of which we couldn’t possibly tell you on the Internet!!). He had a great way of telling jokes by telling you the punch line first! We had a lovely holiday with Roger and Janet in 2001. Every morning at breakfast in the Hotel, we thought we’d get ourselves a free lunch by making up rolls out of some of the breakfast food. We made the rolls up, and Roger checked that no one was looking before hiding them in Janet’s handbag, which was on his lap, under the table!There are so many stories - all of them funny, which make great memories.
Life won’t be the same without Roger around - but, more than anything, he would want the band to carry on just as it did with him there - so when you get to Stevenage, ‘play out of your skins’ as Roger would have said.
Janet has a good circle of support, we’ll always be there for her, and we hope that she’ll never feel alone. Part of Roger lives on in Janet - she has a great sense of humour as well.
Roger was one in a million.
77. Michael Gray wrote at 11.03.2005
After so many tributes, what can I add? He was a good friend and I'll never forget the humour, kindness and good-heartedness that were Roger's chief human attributes. It has been a traumatic couple of weeks for me; the Lord knows what it must have been like for Janet. She has been a rock and a loving supporter of Roger, both in his band life and during his mercifully short period of extreme ill health. We are thinking of you Janet and, like you, we will badly miss Roger.
78. Barbara & Chris Pocock wrote at 09.03.2005
I first met Roger around 25 years ago through my friend Janet. He was a lovely man with a wonderful sense of humour and will be sadly missed by both Chris and myself.
Fifteen years ago this October when Janet was helping me to arrange my wedding, it was touch and go until the last minute whether Roger would attend. The reason? Crystal Palace Band were likely to be appearing at the Royal Albert Hall and if they were, that is where Roger would be on 6 October 1990, not at my wedding!
Unfortunately for the Band they did not make it to the finals, so, luckily for me, Roger was able to come to the wedding, but it was a close shave for a while! This to me sums up the love and enthusiasm Roger had for Crystal Palace Band.
Both Chris and I would like to take this opportunity to say what a courageous and moving performance the Band gave at Rogers funeral, long may they cherish his memory.
Our special love goes to Janet at this time, we will always be there for her.
79. Mrs Edith Clements wrote at 08.03.2005
After all the tributes made to my son Roger, what is there left to say. Never a night went by that he did not telephone me. We put the world to rights on many occassions. Sometimes I'd be rebuked for making a wrong decision, this would always be followed by better advice, always the advice given was for my own good. He was his Father personified, a perfect gentleman. In every sense a Son to be proud of.
I, along with Janet, his wife, will forever miss him. My mind goes back many years to the time when he came home and said that he wished to join the Army, the Guards preferably. His Father soon scotched that idea. It was then he decided to join the Crystal Palace Brass Band. I think the uniform had something to do with it. Some how or other our local paper, The South Western Star, got news of Roger joining the Band and came and took his picture and did a write up about him being the youngest member of the Band at 12 years old! Roger's interest never wavered.
I can't say goodbye to you Roger, your spirit will remain with me always. Many tears will be shed, but time is a great healer.
Rest in pease darling,
With all my love and sorrow,
Your Mother,
80. Michael Clements wrote at 07.03.2005
Having just heard of the loss of Roger could I please offer you my deepest sympathy.
Roger was what brass banding is all about .His love and loyalty to Crystal Palace Band was immense .He will be sorely missed.
Please give my love to Janet.
Derek Greenwood
The above message is just one of many both I and Janet have recieved from past and present members of the Band and school friends from far and wide including one Pete Cooper from U.S.A. who recorded 'Winchester Cathedral', and was one of Roger's school day best friends.
I was always thought that the Band was just a hobby for Roger and he never let on to me his full involvement nor was I ever aware of the high esteem he was held in, which endorces what I have recently heard and witnessed at his funeral. He obviously touched many peoples hearts from all walks of life. May I also thank the Band members past and present who made personal sacrifices to attend and play with such feeling that everyone commented on - Competition Winning Standard if ever I heard it, Roger would have been smiling.
As Tommy, Roger's Great Nephew, once said, 'WELL DONE ROG'
My thanks to everyone involved.
Mick Clements
81. pete cooper wrote at 05.03.2005
So sorry hear the news,Roger and I were close mates when we were kids at school,Boys Brigade and of course Crystal Palace.I had an old vespa scooter in those days and with Roger on the back we would bunk out of school and head for Victoria Embankment to hear the C.W.S.Manchester.Lots of wonderfull memories,hang in their Janet,Sincerely Pete.
82. Dave Ansell wrote at 05.03.2005
Visited Rogers funeral, yesterday . . . what a wonderful service. I knew him in business and later visited as many concerts as was possible. Will you be having a celebratory concert in memory of Roger?
Love to Jan, be in touch soon, Val & Dave Ansell
83. David Stanley wrote at 03.03.2005
I have just read on the internet of Roger Clements' death and wanted to say
how very sorry I am to learn of it. I met Roger when I was Chairman of the
Federation. As I am no longer so actively involved, I did not know of his
He was always a good man to know and to listen to. He was the sort that
makes brass banding what so many of us want it to be.
I send sincere condolences and sympathy to his family and to the band.
Dave Stanley
84. Emma & Ian Heard wrote at 02.03.2005
Deeply shocked to hear that Roger has passed away,our deepest condolences to Janet,Roger`s family and his many many friends at CPB.Emma and myself have so many memories of Roger, but our overiding memory will be of his "wicked" sense of humour and his unstinting love for Crystal Palace Band....a true Bandsman.
We both feel proud that our happiest time in banding was spent in Roger`s very special company.
Ian & Emma Heard.(CPB 1986-1997)
85. Danny & Shirley Clements wrote at 01.03.2005
We will cherish many memories of Uncle Roger. One which will constantly make us smile was Rogers Solo "Jeannie with the light brown hair" at Folkestone Bandstand, where Tommy Lewis Clements aged 20 months (Rogers great nephew) decided Roger played better whilst Tommy conducted. The precious time Tommy had with Roger will flourish in years to come, as Tommy seems to share the same passion for music. Crystal Palace band must continue to go from strength to strength as Roger would have wished. To a GREAT UNCLE who will be sadly missed. Our thoughts and Love stand by Janet.
86. Michael Clements wrote at 27.02.2005
I would just like to thank all those who have sent messages of condolence to JANET at the sad loss of ROGER. I am sure that in time she will manage to reply to you all. Meanwhile I am proud to say he was my Brother.
87. Chri Ingram wrote at 05.02.2005
Found your website on google whilst trying to find info about my father-inlaw's musical career . His name was Ivan Blagden (1901-1995) ,he played 2nd cornet in the 1921 band
88. Dave Payn wrote at 11.10.2004
Folks! Sorry if it's a bit late in the day (unlike me, I know.....) but I'm having my leaving do (I'm moving to the Isle of Arran!) on Saturday October 16th from 3pm until kicking out time at the Champion, Eastcastle Street, London W1. If you're going to the finals at the RAH and not staying for the Gala Concert, drop in!
If yer interested, drop me a line at either:
[email protected]
[email protected]
and I'll give you one. A map, that is. :-)
Hope all is well in sunny Penge!
89. Paul Kind wrote at 01.10.2004
Good website - would like to see something of the CPB from the early 1980s when I played with them.
Remember being shot at by a sniper during rehearsal in Balham and "smoked" out by kids setting a fire under the bandstand (Hornimans ?) - ask Roger Clements.
Saw the name of Pete Booker in your guestbook and that brought back memories too.
All the best to CPB - just finished a theatre run of Brassed Off with the Shepherd Building Group Brass Band at York Theatre Royal
Paul Kind (ex back-row cornet, tenor horn and bass with CPB)
90. Annette & Ron Brown wrote at 21.08.2004
Best wishes to all, we're looking forward to the band tour in France next week. See you all tomorrow at Hornimans
91. Peter Booker wrote at 21.07.2004
Greetings to all, I trust all are well and on good form. Sorry I haven't been able to pop along lately, life moves on far too fast I'm afraid. I will however,try to get along during the Autumn. Best wishes to all.
92. Peter Booker wrote at 21.07.2004
Greetings to all, I trust all are well and on good form. Sorry I haven't been able to pop along lately, life moves on far too fast I'm afraid. I will however,try to get along during the Autumn. Best wishes to all.
93. Simon Gordano wrote at 04.07.2004
Will be coming to Greenwich Park to see your band (if all goes well). Keep up the good work!
94. Mike Gray wrote at 04.05.2004
Here's the MD showing willing by messaging the new guestbook and welcoming all comers to the site!
Please look at our forthcoming events and support your local band!
95. Roger Morton wrote at 28.03.2004
The Guest Book is now open for business!
Congratulations to the band on tbe 4th place in the recent 2004 regionals. Well played indeed!
Greetings from Italy!
Pity I live so far from you, otherwise I would ask to join to you :)
2. Roger Morton wrote at 05.01.2016
Happy New Year to all our supporters
3. Janet Clements wrote at 13.12.2015
Great concert last night.
4. David Banks-Broome wrote at 14.09.2015
Very, very well done today at the Hawth, Michael and the band.
The results speak for themselves: First place and five of the 'specials'.
Nearly as many as Wantage Silver!
5. David Banks-Broome wrote at 29.09.2014
Missed you at the Hawth yesterday. Lots of Gregson, with some Holst, Lalo, Vinter, Goffin,
Howells etc., and 'The Legend of King Arthur' which I've not heard before.
6. David Banks-Broome wrote at 19.05.2013
Well done at Crawley today. I didn't get to find the placing but very good programme.
It was worth getting out of bed just for "McArthur Park"
7. sue/ray wrote at 15.03.2013
hi did we just see some of your band on comic relief supporting james Corden
8. Chris Connolly wrote at 04.06.2012
Hello. Hope your Jubilee concert went well today. SE20 Mag said it was in Crystal Palace.. I saw many others aimlessly wandering about looking in vain for the bandstand.
Hope to hear CPB's celebration in 2022.
9. David Banks-Broome wrote at 20.05.2012
Well done today CPB, 2nd place is a very good result.
Good balanced programme. Keep it up.
10. Christine Fankhauser wrote at 30.08.2010
In the name of whole Lengnau Band, I wanted to thank you for the concert at Lengnau Festival. It was fantastic and we are all delighted to have met you. Unfortunately, you had to leave a bit early, but I hope to see and meet you on another occasion, maybe we make it on a whit friday together? :-)
Cheers from Switzerland
11. Markus Eggenberger wrote at 29.08.2010
Sorry CLARE, if i writing a wrong name yours before. Mark.
12. Markus Eggenberger wrote at 29.08.2010
I say hello CPB, special to Claire, Simon and Roger. Was a very well concert together with us. Thanks a lot!!! Mark, MG Zetzwil, Switzerland.
13. Boaty wrote at 06.07.2010
Bit of googling brought up the band. Shame in the history of the band is the missing part when we played Henry V at a contest - I'd love to hear that again. It was (in my memory) a truly awesome start. William "Spazza" Spencer won the best instrumentalist ? playing Sop. We'd been at the bar for a little while and I have a wonderful memory of him running from the bar up on stage and kissing the judge whilst waving the cup above his head. Made me smile.
All the best to the band.
Boaty - now in the wilds of the Gloucestershire.
14. Eddie Backhouse wrote at 25.03.2010
Top left 1966 photo of the band is me. I now live in South Africa and am still active in both brass band (Cape Concert Brass), big bands and small jazz groups. It's good to see the band still thriving. Do any of the others of my era (1956 to 1970) contact or write in to you? Do you maintain a 'Where are they now' page? When I first started at the age of nine years, I wore Willie Grant's (the conductor) uniform (he was a very small man. Are you still contesting.Good luck for the future. Cheers....Ed
15. Robert Chessell wrote at 20.03.2010
Thank you so much for creating and maintaining this site - especially the historical material. I had evidence in my genealogical research that my grandfather was in the Crystal Palace band at some point, but what a treat it was to find him in the photo of the 1921 band, right in the front row! And the programme for that era is an especially interesting read as well.
Are there any other sources/lists available for 1920s and 30s era bands associated with Crystal Palace? I believe my father was also a band member in that era, although I haven't been able to verify that as yet.
Thanks again for a wonderful site.
Robert Chessell
Barrie, ON, Canada
16. Major John Merser wrote at 18.09.2009
Good to see that the Band is still going strong I am a former member and played in the band in the late sixties under Charlie Sherriff in the old temperance hall at Norwood and looking at the photo of 1966 I remember most of the players named and some of the players that are not in the photo Including Nigel Renouf and John Rogers keep it up I now play in Regent Hall Salvation Army Band.
17. Julie Barry wrote at 20.03.2009
Hi to you all,
Good luck at Stevenage.
I may see you there, I am playing for Woodbridge Exelsior in the morning,
A great band, just like Crystal Palace!!
Julie Barry
18. Duncan Wilson wrote at 06.03.2009
Hi CPB! A quick note to say best of luck for the contest in Stevenage. I'll miss you this year as my band plays on the Sunday. Can't believe it's 9 years since we moved up to the sunny fens, but I still remember CPB with much fondness, especially the Charlton posse! We are expecting our 2nd child in the summer. I am hoping that they will both do something far more useful than try and play the trombone! Love to all, Duncan Wilson
19. Malcolm Woodcraft wrote at 22.02.2009
I've just spotted your website while browsing the web. My father George Woodcraft played solo-horn during the 30's to 50's and I spent many a Sunday morning listening to rehearsals. I occasionally played euphonium at rehearsals while I was in the RAF. I still remember a few names; Stan Grant, Stan Blackhouse, Harry Menke (librarian),Ernie Brown and Ernie Sturgess to name but a few plus, of course, "uncle" on the drums.
I live in Devon now but I'll have to keep an eye on the website when I come to London. Good Luck for the future
Malcolm Woodcraft
20. Dave Payn wrote at 18.09.2008
Just to say how sorry and sad I am to learn of Mick Graham's passing. He was a member of CPB when I first joined in 1979 and I echo Mike Gray's observations of his 'quiet good humour' and 'gentlemanly manner'. Hugely talented as a musician, allied to his natural modesty, he was a person who easily attracted the utmost respect amongst those like me, fortunate enough to have known him. May he rest in peace.
Dave Payn
Isle of Arran
21. Mike Gray wrote at 27.08.2008
I just wanted to add a word or two about the late Mick Graham. When I became conductor of the band in 1987, Mick was playing with us as a regular visitor, although he was actually registered with Handcross Band. Although I remembered him well from my days in the Guards I never really got to know him until our time with Crystal Palace. The last time I saw Mick was at the memorial concert for Roger Clements. Mick looked then exactly the same as I remember all those years ago in the army. His quiet good humour and gentlemanly manner never deserted him and I will remember him with fondness as a person and with respect as a musician. May he rest in peace. Mike Gray
22. Matt Smith wrote at 18.08.2008
I was very sorry to about the loss of Mick Graham. Though I did not know him that well my mother and father did, and I did know him well enough to know what a great man he was. My regards and deepest sympathies go out to all Micks family and friend. He will be sorely missed, one of the nicest men I ever had the luck and good fortune to meet.
23. Danny Clements wrote at 13.07.2008
Hi everyone who were at Folkestone today. Tommy and I really enjoyed the perfomance. I would like to thank you for playing happy birthday for Tommy and for playing while Tommy waved Mikes batton at you all it was a real privilege. The event really brought back some very happy memories of Roger from a couple of years ago and that is always a great thing! Thanks again, we look forward to see you again next year.
24. Norman F White wrote at 31.05.2008
Just to say my E:Mail address has changed just incase anyone does remember Arthur Iron, Ray Baylis or Ernie Brown. from the early 1950's
Norman F White
25. julie barry wrote at 28.11.2007
Hi to everyone who knows me from horn section CPB 5 or 6 years ago. I was just looking up some information about Karl Lutchmayer for Ryans homework and followed some links to CPB website! Great to look back and still recognise many faces still playing in the band. I enjoyed those years playing, but now in Suffolk I find family life takes priority for a while, though I miss playing so much.
I will get back to it though!
Hi to you all
26. Jacqui Seymour wrote at 16.10.2007
Dear Crystal Palace Band,
I am trying to find my nephew, who is called Graeme Cornish and am wondering if your Graeme is he. Perhaps you could pass this message on if you think they are the same. Graeme would be 49 now and was born in South London in 1957. His mother is called Pauline his father John. I am his aunt Jacqui. If you could give me any info I'd be so grateful my e mail is [email protected] Thanks
27. Marge and Ian wrote at 02.06.2007
Great to see you all at the Whit Friday Marches! Hope you enjoyed yourselves - know you know the North is God's Land for banding!!
28. Janet Clements wrote at 23.04.2007
Congratulations on yesterdays results.
Well done.
29. Norman F White wrote at 16.04.2007
Does anyone remember Arthur Irons.
I played Bb Base Under him both at Cable & Wireless and Crystal Palace Brass Band. from 1945- 1949 Then I joined the RAF and after leaving the RAF got masrried and went to live in Bristol, where I still am.There were other C&W Band members also playing for Crystal Palace ie: Ray Baylis and Ernie Brown are thiose that immediately come to mind
30. Lawrence Killian wrote at 06.04.2007
Nice one Crystal Palace BB. My cornet teacher played for St. Hilda\'s in the 1920\'s and told me about the band competition.
I lived on Westwood Hill in 1980 whilst at NCOS - wish I knew about you then I would have come to play Life Divine, any time!
31. Ian Heard wrote at 24.03.2007
Great to see the band is strong enough to send two bands to the Area!
Hard luck to the B band, the result is unimportant at this stage, experience and hard work is everything!
I remember "bombing" in the fourth section with the "senior" band not so very long ago..and look at them now!
Ian., Soundhouse Brass (Plymouth).
(CPB 1987-97)
32. Audience Member wrote at 19.03.2007
Brave effort Ian W. and Crystal Palace "B" Band at Stevenage today & don't worry too much about the result (it's the Gradings table placings that count) - you will improve with experience if you knuckle down and don't give up. A first class effort solo horn in particular - not easy!
33. Dave Payn wrote at 13.03.2007
Just a quickie to wish the band (and the B band, of course!) all the very best for the regionals at Stevenage this weekend.
34. Dave Payn wrote at 06.03.2007
Hello again! For those that remember me, some good news! I shall be getting married to my long term partner Samantha on Saturday 21st April at Chester Registry Office. We'll be having a celebratory do here on the Isle of Arran upon our return, so it'd be lovely if any of you can make it up here.
35. pete cooper wrote at 10.02.2007
So sorry to hear about Bert I remember him as being a really nice guy. I'm wondering how many of us are still around who played in the band on the day that picture was taken,maybe its time for another reunion. Trivia, that’s the first time we wore our brand new band uniforms.
36. Webmaster wrote at 02.02.2007
Sadly, one of our members, Bert Bonner, died on Saturday 27th January 2007.
Bert was a main band player during the 1960's period and he can be seen as a young man in the 60's picture from our home page.
Bert also played flugel with the B Band in more recent years. He was a real gentleman.
The funeral is due to take place on Saturday 3rd Feb, at Christs Chapel, Dulwich, near the picture gallery at 10.30 am.
37. Jonathan Davis wrote at 06.01.2007
I am the son of Ron Davis (Horn, Trombone, etc....) who played in the band during the 70s (I think) Knew Rodger, but was only 7 or 8 then. He [Ron] use to come with Roy Diamond and John Rodgers (deputy conductor) and I would love to see any old photos, or know if you remember them, if any one has them. Ron and Roy are gone now but John still lives in near you.
38. Dave Payn wrote at 19.11.2006
A hearty 'McWotcha' from the beautiful Isle of Arran. Glad to see the band continuing to go from strength to strength. I see from some of the photos that the multi-anagrammed Graeme Cornish is back with you! Is there no justice? :) (I'm joking!)
Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm off to worry some more sheep.... Hello to all those that remember me.... and even those that don't.
39. Catherine and Mike Stallybrass wrote at 03.09.2006
Thanks for a great time in Cornwall. Glad Maggie no longer needs to call herself one of "Children of Courage"!! Hope to see you all again before too long. What about a trip up north?
40. Kevin Morgan wrote at 03.09.2006
Just found your site, I used to play with Mike in the Scots Guards Band in the '70s. Am now in Australia conducting another band with Red Tunics!
41. Marge and Ian Walsh wrote at 29.08.2006
Thank you all for a great weekend in Cornwall. We thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was great to see you all again. Hope to join you on any future trips!!
42. TeresaWeiler wrote at 28.08.2006
My brother plays in the band, Mike Weiler and so I came to look at the site. It really is impressive. I have been to a Christmas concert and thoroughly enjoyed it.
43. Julia Lund wrote at 08.07.2006
My Grandfather, Robert Barter, was a member of the band in 1921 and his son, Peter, is still alive and living in South Wales.
44. Dave Morrison wrote at 19.06.2006
I heard your band play in Southwark Park on Sunday 18th June and I really enjoyed it. I like your web site
45. Roger Morton wrote at 23.05.2006
Hi folks
I think the developer of our guest book is doing a security upgrade to reduce spam. On my PC, Explorer drops the broadband connection and keeps asking me to dial up!
If you are also having problems, send me the message via email and I'll put it up.
46. paul smith wrote at 20.01.2006
best wishes to all for 2006.Hope to get to a concert when the weather improves.Love to Jan still think about Rog especially when someone tells me a corny joke.See you all soon....Paul
47. Matt Smith wrote at 12.12.2005
Here's to a happy and successful new year, and sometime in 2006, I hope to come and visit you all with my wife and daughter, who even though is just 3 can already get a note out on my tuba,
From Matt, Maria and Viera Smith
48. Rob & Kay Martin wrote at 21.11.2005
We thoroughly enjoyed the memorial concert for Roger but as soon as the band struck up the emotions kicked in and the loss of Roger became very raw again. He was a great friend to Kay and I, first as a neighbour and then as a firm family friend. Our boys fondly remember Roger as the "Pennies Man" because he would always play "spin ups" with them and lose every coin he had on him. We have great memories of Roger and will always miss him.
49. Pete Cooper wrote at 20.11.2005
Roger my old darling I tried so hard to make your memorial concert but its a long way to come and between work and Las Vegas Band engagements I just could not make it sorry mate I really, really wanted to be there .Just after you left us the Las Vegas Brass Band played William Himes arrangement of Nicea on one of our concert and we dedicated it to you, I didn't play much because I really could not see the music that well as I was thinking of all the wonderful times we had together when we played together with Crystal Palace all those years ago,
Goodbye mate I miss you,
Pete xxxxx
50. Roger and sue young and family wrote at 05.11.2005
Roger was always a huge presance in all our lives,from the time he started school with my husband, through their Boys Brigade days, our young years together, and later becoming Godfather to our children, he is sadly missed by us all. We would like to take this opportunity to say how much we enjoyed the wonderful tribute concert to our good friend Roger. We both felt that he was there with us in spirit, and wish to thank everyone involved for their hard work.
51. John Sones wrote at 01.11.2005
May we offer our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the Roger Clements Memorial Concert at St Georges Church in Beckenham on Saturday October 22nd.
It was apparent to all those present that it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and one which will last in all our minds.
The level of professionalism was a credit to the Band and we are sure that Roger would have been very proud of this tribute, and the memory being a wonderful source of comfort to my Sister, Janet.
John, Chris, Kevin, Helen and Sadie
52. anne-marie + patrick wrote at 30.10.2005
It was truly an amazing tribute for Roger last Saturday and a reflection of his passion. We moved in next door to Jan and Roger 5 years ago and developed a great friendship. Roger was often our saviour as we were forever blowing up something in the house and Roger would come over and sort it out, he was great for coming up with solutions. When we locked ourselves out he casually held Patrick's 6ft 2 legs dangling through the window while I watched in amazement Patrick land head first, exactly 5 years ago today he rescued us from the dark on his wedding anniversary much to Jan's delight he was nursing a raging toothache but still put himself out to help us. I have very fond memories of Roger most of them over the garden fence as thats where we constantly met, he loved outdoors and made the best of dry weather and his lovely garden. This summer we really missed Roger, his pottering around clanging in the garage, I still cant pronounce what he 'practised' on but it made a hell of a racket, but most of all we miss him being around. The tribute was a reflection of how many peoples lives he touched and that includes ours at number 5. Our thougths are with his family and especially Jan whose wedding anniversary it was yesterday. God bless
warmest wishes
Anne-Marie and Patrick xx
53. Ryan Barry wrote at 28.10.2005
I really enjoyed the concert, especially the bits where Adam came in with the drums. I must have thought that Roger could hear that really loudly.
When I saw the piano coming onto the stage area, I asked my daddy if I could play it. Then I asked Mike Gray if I could play in the concert and he said "yes, you can Ryan". When it was nearly my turn, I was really, really nervous, but then Janet said "Go on Ryan, you can do it for Uncle Rog". Then I thought, I'm still nervous but I must do it.
The second to last song I played a piece of music called "On The Lake". After I had played it, everybody clapped really loudly. I hope Roger heard the big clapping and didn't laugh when I forgot to bow!
I just wish Roger could have been there.
from Ryan Barry
54. Julie Barry wrote at 28.10.2005
A fantastic concert for a fantastic friend!
I was SO proud to be playing back in the heart of CPB again after 5 years of not playing at all, although it did feel strange not having Roger on my immediate right telling me where I was supposed to be! Roger would have been really pleased that I am now at last playing again, and about to join a local band near my home in Suffolk, following the concert. Thanks Roger for bringing me back to reality!
The venue for the concert could not have been better, it sounded fantastic. Roger would have been so pleased to see so many past members all playing together, as though they had never left.
It is true, Roger will never be forgotten, and neither will the warmth and friendliness that he helped to nurture within Crystal Palace Band. It is such a special band to be part of. Thank you for letting me join the ranks once again on such an important day, and I hope there will be other opportunities sometime in the future.
Julie Barry
55. Ian & Marge Walsh wrote at 25.10.2005
What a great evening! Roger would have been thrilled to know how many people thought such a lot of him. Apart from the great playing in a great venue, it was wonderful to meet up with friends from the past. Roger will be remembered for years to come (who could possibly forget him?!) and the greatest tribute the band could pay to him is to keep going strong. To us, Crystal Palace will always be 'Rogers Band'. We hope we will play with you again in the not too distant future.
Well done on a great event on Saturday.
56. Mike Gray wrote at 25.10.2005
I will eventually thank the band personally for their truly marvellous effort last Saturday which produced the very finest playing. Here I would like to pay tribute to our guests and former members of the band, Karl Lutchmayer, Emma Gray and Ian Walsh, our guest soloists and that other stirling "band" of helpers and caterers who made the evening go with a swing. Roger would have been greatly pleased and very proud to know he had been given such a warm and sonorous send-off. Bravo!
Mike Gray
57. Michael Clements wrote at 24.10.2005
Following my previous message, on behalf of Janet and myself, I want to thank all those involved in Saturdays Tribute Concert but there are so many people in the background who have given their time that I do not know where to start. It must be obvious to all just by the size of the audience just how much Roger's enthusiasum had influenced everyone who came into contact with him. The culmination of everyone's efforts was heard in the vibrance of the music, truly magnificent and heart rending to think that Roger could inspire so many people to give their time in tribute to him.
To all the anonymous army, and those on the front line :-
Michael & Janet Clements
58. Michael Clements wrote at 24.10.2005
Dear Mike Gray,
May I thank you so much for the wonderful Tribute Concert for Roger. I wanted to say so much more at the Concert but felt that the audience may not have understood if I had gone into more personal details. The program was fully representative of all Roger held dear and I thank you for allowing, in one instance, against your personal judgement, music that he loved. After the concert I spoke to quite a few of the Band and all of them thought that the program was exactly what they enjoyed playing which was so very obvious even to the uneducated. A truly professional performance which will not be forgotten by all who were present.
Again, Thank you,
Michael Clements
59. Ian & Emma Heard wrote at 24.10.2005
We are honoured to have been part of the memorial concert for Roger last Saturday. What a concert! It was a truly fantastic evening and one we won`t forget for a very long time. We dearly wanted to pay tribute to Roger as we were unable to attend his funeral. We have many hilarious stories of Roger - what a lovely man who is greatly missed by all!
It was wonderful to meet with so many old faces from the past at the concert - it`s been so long since we have seen you all, and it was lovely to meet with the present players of the band who made us all so very welcome. Well done on organising such a wonderful evening. Our love & best wishes to you all!
60. Major George Whittingham wrote at 24.10.2005
Congratulations on last Saturday.
Sorry we could not support but we had an engagement in Southend
61. Dave Payn wrote at 24.10.2005
As a member of the Crystal Palace Band for 20 years (stand-in conductor for one of them) between 1979-99, I can only echo the words Maggie has written.
Roger Clements was an absolute giant, (not just in height!) but in what he did for the Crystal Palace Band. He was always the first to make polite conversation with a new band member, he always had a gloriously lyrical euphonium sound that could genuinely bring a tear to your eye and he absolutely loved that band and I like to think the band reciprocated those feelings, each and every one of them that met him. Add to that he was superbly organised in everything he did for the band; as chairman and organiser of CPB's regular foreign trips.
He didn't suffer fools gladly, and could be quite outspoken, but even then, one was never offended if he had a point to make because it was ALWAYS with the band's interests at heart, not his own. Add to the fact that he was a deeply generous and friendly man and I hope by now you realise just how much (a) the band meant to him and (b) what he meant to the band. The brass band movement lost a genuine banding stalwart and star when he passed away.
Finances dictate, alas, that I cannot make the trip to Beckenham to see the concert but I would like my thoughts made known to CPB, please and particularly his widow, Janet. I'll be thinking of them and the band on October 22nd.
RIP Roger Lewis Clements.
Note from Webmaster , message posted on
prior to the concert
62. DEREK GREENWOOD wrote at 21.10.2005
Hope the concert goes well.What a lovely tribute to Roger.Love to Janet.
Derek Greenwood.
63. Matt Smith wrote at 19.10.2005
I was so sad to hear about Roger it's such a loss to the band and the banding world.He made me feel so welcome when i joined the band some years ago.I am really looking forward to seeing the band again and feel honoured to a part of Rogers concert.
64. Leonard Walker wrote at 14.10.2005
In my youth, my father would take me to see the Brass Band Championships at the Crystal palace and we would walk along the terraces listening to the bands. Me with my bottle of lemonade and my father with his bottle of beer would sit and make jugdement on who would win. I must of seen your band perform but I must confess that the only band that comes to mind is the Black Dyke mills band (sorry).
We would get to our seat inside and stay till The end. If I guest right I got a ride home on the bus other wise we walked. I had a lot of bus rides home. Call it luck if you like.
I broke my hearth when the Palace burnt down. It meant no more band champs.
I have just discovered your site and will make a return to it soon.
The last show I saw at the Palace was about the time it burnt down and I was then 11 years old. Its great to think that you are still going strong and hope that you get stronger.
God luck to you and all the Bandsmen/Bandswomen and thanks for the memories.
Best regards Len Walker
65. Sandra Clinton wrote at 29.08.2005
While surfing about I have just come across your website. I am so sorry to hear about Roger. He was a great guy who always made me a very welcome guest at Crystal Palace. I hope to see you all again soon and am glad to see that the band is going from strength to strength.
66. Philip A Watson wrote at 19.07.2005
About three months ago I was appointed to the post of Development Officer for the British Federation of Brass Bands. Thanks for sending your news letter to me; I look forwards to reading more about your band. Great website too. Best wishes for the future.
67. John Hinkley wrote at 11.06.2005
I was sorry to hear about poor old Roger.I first met him when Pete Cooper brought him up to do a job on drums. He started to come along to rehearsals and seemed very keen so I asked him if he would like to learn to play....
He lived quite close, so I gave him a few lessons and started him on the road to Banding.
We remained friends and often spoke over the phone, the last time being at Christmas this. year.
Its good to know that the Band is still going strong.We had some very difficult times in the fifties but the revival started when the boys from the 88th BB came along. I wish you all well for the future.
68. Alan Luesby wrote at 14.05.2005
Found your web site surfing the net one night. Sorry to hear about Rogers passing. He was a great guy, full of fun and i remember him well. I was a memeber of the CPB during the reign of MD Malcolm Simmonds. I was a trombone player. We meet up with Malcolm and his wife Isobel in 2003 on a visit to Europe with the family, and still keep in touch. I recognise some of the names in the guest book, Ian Walsh, Paul Kind and Peter Booker. We now live in Adelaide, South Australia. I still play bass trombone and currently am a member of the Unley Concert Band which came 3rd in the Australian Nationals. My best wishes to the band for the future. Alan Luesby
69. Janet Clements wrote at 13.05.2005
I would like to thank everyone who has sent tributes in memory of Roger.
As most of you will know banding has also been a big part of my life, not always by choice i might add. However Roger and banding will be greatly missed.
I hope to continue to support the band, even if it is only making the tea at the gala concerts.
70. Richard Barker wrote at 09.05.2005
My brother Ken plays trumpet in the band but doesn't always remember to tell me about gig dates.
I've seen the band at Greenwich Park and at 2 of the royal parks and always enjoy listening and relaxing to the music you play.
I look forward to hearing from you in future.
Richard Barker
71. pete cooper wrote at 09.04.2005
After reading Roger's obituary I would just like to mention that Roger was the best drummer the 118th Boys Brigade drum and Bugle band ever had I can vouch for that because in my time with the Irish Guards band I was the Bandmaster and he took the percussion section he also played great bugle,incidently his first appearance with the Crystal Palace band was playing snare drum on a marching gig and I had a heck of a time talking him into playing baritone but being my best mate he gave in and the rest is history,we would meet at Wandsworth Common Station every Wednesday night and Sunday morning take the train to West Norwood and always end up at my house for tea and cheese sandwiches supplied by my Mum,he managed to borrow Michaels his older brothers car for our trip to B.B. camp in Devon I still have no clue how he managed it as it was Mikes pride and joy.Roger I will miss you mate,Pete
72. Janet & Keith Schultz wrote at 28.03.2005
A tribute to Uncle Roger - which would not be complete without including Janet.
For Many reasons, I only met Uncle Roger twice - and both times took a great effort by Roger and Janet for which I am grateful. Since our first meeting in 1992 they have kept in contact with me and growing family in Australia - never forgetting birthdays or other special events. Roger was even 'dial a Santa' this last Christmas, when a naughty three year old needed a bit of "encouragement".
I am sorry I didn't get to know Roger better - his talent, enthusiasm and humour are evident in his profile and all tributes. I would have loved to seen him play with the band.
I will treasure the memories I have of Uncle Roger and will always have the picture in my mind of the Folkestone solo, (seen on video) - conducted by Great Nephew Tommy. Music being enjoyed between the generations.
Our thoughts and love are with Janet and I hope Roger can hear the Crystal Palace Band play on....
73. Catherine & Mike Stallybrass wrote at 25.03.2005
We were so sorry to hear of Roger's death. We only met him last summer on tour with CPB in Normandy and really enjoyed both his musicianship and his company - to say nothing of being knocked sideways by his organising ability!
Our hearts go out to his family in their loss - and to the band - he will not be easy to replace!
However, I'm sure he would be proud of your result in the Areas! Well done and keep up the good work!
Hope to see you all soon - Saddleworth?
74. Ryan Barry wrote at 13.03.2005
When I heard about Roger, I was very sad for Janet. I am very, very sad too. I have been thinking about Rogers family. He was like an uncle to me and my brother Jordan.
I loved Roger taking me on trips with Janet for my birthday treat. I can remember when he took me to the Bluebell Railway and Roger lifted me up onto Thomas to pull the "Honky Horn"! When Roger had a go, the driver had to tell him not to pull it THAT hard.
Another time, Roger sat me on his shoulders to see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. I remember falling asleep on Rogers lap on the train coming home.
I love Roger, and I love Janet.
75. Julie Barry wrote at 13.03.2005
It's a week ago since we all said goodbye to Roger, at his very special funeral. I don't think I have ever experienced such a change of emotions during a service. Still not really believing at that time, that he is just not with us anymore. Mike Gray, well what can we say, he took the majority of the service, and what a fantastic job he did, it must have been so difficult for him. He personalised the whole service and really made it one to remember. Thanks Mike.
I only played in Crystal Palace Band for about 4 years, as a complete novice! Roger would always be sitting on my right hand side, and would regularly not only continue to play his Euphonium part, but scan through my music to tell me where on earth I was supposed to be! I remember so many of Rogers witty ways, he always brought a smile to your face, even in the more serious moments.
I was also privileged to work alongside Roger, both prior to, and during most of the time that he was self-employed. He was very proud of all that he produced, he enjoyed it immensely, and always did a very thorough job.
One thing that I came away with last week, was renewed enthusiasm to join a band now that I have settled in Suffolk. The banding world is so special, an experience not to be missed, so thanks Rog for helping me to re-kindle that interest.
Roger was one of a kind, a very special man, missed by many, for so many reasons. I will never ever forget him, and I will remember many, many very special years that my family and I shared with him and Janet.
Goodbye Rog.
76. Ian & Marge Walsh wrote at 11.03.2005
It still seems unreal that Roger isn’t here anymore - no-one could have imagined life or Crystal Palace Band, without him. He was a great friend, a big chap, with a big personality to match, but we’ll miss his sense of humour and fun above all else. When we think of Roger, we can’t help but smile, because of the very funny things he used to say and do (some of which we couldn’t possibly tell you on the Internet!!). He had a great way of telling jokes by telling you the punch line first! We had a lovely holiday with Roger and Janet in 2001. Every morning at breakfast in the Hotel, we thought we’d get ourselves a free lunch by making up rolls out of some of the breakfast food. We made the rolls up, and Roger checked that no one was looking before hiding them in Janet’s handbag, which was on his lap, under the table!There are so many stories - all of them funny, which make great memories.
Life won’t be the same without Roger around - but, more than anything, he would want the band to carry on just as it did with him there - so when you get to Stevenage, ‘play out of your skins’ as Roger would have said.
Janet has a good circle of support, we’ll always be there for her, and we hope that she’ll never feel alone. Part of Roger lives on in Janet - she has a great sense of humour as well.
Roger was one in a million.
77. Michael Gray wrote at 11.03.2005
After so many tributes, what can I add? He was a good friend and I'll never forget the humour, kindness and good-heartedness that were Roger's chief human attributes. It has been a traumatic couple of weeks for me; the Lord knows what it must have been like for Janet. She has been a rock and a loving supporter of Roger, both in his band life and during his mercifully short period of extreme ill health. We are thinking of you Janet and, like you, we will badly miss Roger.
78. Barbara & Chris Pocock wrote at 09.03.2005
I first met Roger around 25 years ago through my friend Janet. He was a lovely man with a wonderful sense of humour and will be sadly missed by both Chris and myself.
Fifteen years ago this October when Janet was helping me to arrange my wedding, it was touch and go until the last minute whether Roger would attend. The reason? Crystal Palace Band were likely to be appearing at the Royal Albert Hall and if they were, that is where Roger would be on 6 October 1990, not at my wedding!
Unfortunately for the Band they did not make it to the finals, so, luckily for me, Roger was able to come to the wedding, but it was a close shave for a while! This to me sums up the love and enthusiasm Roger had for Crystal Palace Band.
Both Chris and I would like to take this opportunity to say what a courageous and moving performance the Band gave at Rogers funeral, long may they cherish his memory.
Our special love goes to Janet at this time, we will always be there for her.
79. Mrs Edith Clements wrote at 08.03.2005
After all the tributes made to my son Roger, what is there left to say. Never a night went by that he did not telephone me. We put the world to rights on many occassions. Sometimes I'd be rebuked for making a wrong decision, this would always be followed by better advice, always the advice given was for my own good. He was his Father personified, a perfect gentleman. In every sense a Son to be proud of.
I, along with Janet, his wife, will forever miss him. My mind goes back many years to the time when he came home and said that he wished to join the Army, the Guards preferably. His Father soon scotched that idea. It was then he decided to join the Crystal Palace Brass Band. I think the uniform had something to do with it. Some how or other our local paper, The South Western Star, got news of Roger joining the Band and came and took his picture and did a write up about him being the youngest member of the Band at 12 years old! Roger's interest never wavered.
I can't say goodbye to you Roger, your spirit will remain with me always. Many tears will be shed, but time is a great healer.
Rest in pease darling,
With all my love and sorrow,
Your Mother,
80. Michael Clements wrote at 07.03.2005
Having just heard of the loss of Roger could I please offer you my deepest sympathy.
Roger was what brass banding is all about .His love and loyalty to Crystal Palace Band was immense .He will be sorely missed.
Please give my love to Janet.
Derek Greenwood
The above message is just one of many both I and Janet have recieved from past and present members of the Band and school friends from far and wide including one Pete Cooper from U.S.A. who recorded 'Winchester Cathedral', and was one of Roger's school day best friends.
I was always thought that the Band was just a hobby for Roger and he never let on to me his full involvement nor was I ever aware of the high esteem he was held in, which endorces what I have recently heard and witnessed at his funeral. He obviously touched many peoples hearts from all walks of life. May I also thank the Band members past and present who made personal sacrifices to attend and play with such feeling that everyone commented on - Competition Winning Standard if ever I heard it, Roger would have been smiling.
As Tommy, Roger's Great Nephew, once said, 'WELL DONE ROG'
My thanks to everyone involved.
Mick Clements
81. pete cooper wrote at 05.03.2005
So sorry hear the news,Roger and I were close mates when we were kids at school,Boys Brigade and of course Crystal Palace.I had an old vespa scooter in those days and with Roger on the back we would bunk out of school and head for Victoria Embankment to hear the C.W.S.Manchester.Lots of wonderfull memories,hang in their Janet,Sincerely Pete.
82. Dave Ansell wrote at 05.03.2005
Visited Rogers funeral, yesterday . . . what a wonderful service. I knew him in business and later visited as many concerts as was possible. Will you be having a celebratory concert in memory of Roger?
Love to Jan, be in touch soon, Val & Dave Ansell
83. David Stanley wrote at 03.03.2005
I have just read on the internet of Roger Clements' death and wanted to say
how very sorry I am to learn of it. I met Roger when I was Chairman of the
Federation. As I am no longer so actively involved, I did not know of his
He was always a good man to know and to listen to. He was the sort that
makes brass banding what so many of us want it to be.
I send sincere condolences and sympathy to his family and to the band.
Dave Stanley
84. Emma & Ian Heard wrote at 02.03.2005
Deeply shocked to hear that Roger has passed away,our deepest condolences to Janet,Roger`s family and his many many friends at CPB.Emma and myself have so many memories of Roger, but our overiding memory will be of his "wicked" sense of humour and his unstinting love for Crystal Palace Band....a true Bandsman.
We both feel proud that our happiest time in banding was spent in Roger`s very special company.
Ian & Emma Heard.(CPB 1986-1997)
85. Danny & Shirley Clements wrote at 01.03.2005
We will cherish many memories of Uncle Roger. One which will constantly make us smile was Rogers Solo "Jeannie with the light brown hair" at Folkestone Bandstand, where Tommy Lewis Clements aged 20 months (Rogers great nephew) decided Roger played better whilst Tommy conducted. The precious time Tommy had with Roger will flourish in years to come, as Tommy seems to share the same passion for music. Crystal Palace band must continue to go from strength to strength as Roger would have wished. To a GREAT UNCLE who will be sadly missed. Our thoughts and Love stand by Janet.
86. Michael Clements wrote at 27.02.2005
I would just like to thank all those who have sent messages of condolence to JANET at the sad loss of ROGER. I am sure that in time she will manage to reply to you all. Meanwhile I am proud to say he was my Brother.
87. Chri Ingram wrote at 05.02.2005
Found your website on google whilst trying to find info about my father-inlaw's musical career . His name was Ivan Blagden (1901-1995) ,he played 2nd cornet in the 1921 band
88. Dave Payn wrote at 11.10.2004
Folks! Sorry if it's a bit late in the day (unlike me, I know.....) but I'm having my leaving do (I'm moving to the Isle of Arran!) on Saturday October 16th from 3pm until kicking out time at the Champion, Eastcastle Street, London W1. If you're going to the finals at the RAH and not staying for the Gala Concert, drop in!
If yer interested, drop me a line at either:
[email protected]
[email protected]
and I'll give you one. A map, that is. :-)
Hope all is well in sunny Penge!
89. Paul Kind wrote at 01.10.2004
Good website - would like to see something of the CPB from the early 1980s when I played with them.
Remember being shot at by a sniper during rehearsal in Balham and "smoked" out by kids setting a fire under the bandstand (Hornimans ?) - ask Roger Clements.
Saw the name of Pete Booker in your guestbook and that brought back memories too.
All the best to CPB - just finished a theatre run of Brassed Off with the Shepherd Building Group Brass Band at York Theatre Royal
Paul Kind (ex back-row cornet, tenor horn and bass with CPB)
90. Annette & Ron Brown wrote at 21.08.2004
Best wishes to all, we're looking forward to the band tour in France next week. See you all tomorrow at Hornimans
91. Peter Booker wrote at 21.07.2004
Greetings to all, I trust all are well and on good form. Sorry I haven't been able to pop along lately, life moves on far too fast I'm afraid. I will however,try to get along during the Autumn. Best wishes to all.
92. Peter Booker wrote at 21.07.2004
Greetings to all, I trust all are well and on good form. Sorry I haven't been able to pop along lately, life moves on far too fast I'm afraid. I will however,try to get along during the Autumn. Best wishes to all.
93. Simon Gordano wrote at 04.07.2004
Will be coming to Greenwich Park to see your band (if all goes well). Keep up the good work!
94. Mike Gray wrote at 04.05.2004
Here's the MD showing willing by messaging the new guestbook and welcoming all comers to the site!
Please look at our forthcoming events and support your local band!
95. Roger Morton wrote at 28.03.2004
The Guest Book is now open for business!
Congratulations to the band on tbe 4th place in the recent 2004 regionals. Well played indeed!